Find Year-round Camp Jobs
Twice a month (at the middle and the end of each month), you will receive an e-mail listing open year-round or seasonal (longer than just May – August) camp jobs throughout the U.S. Typically there are anywhere from 35 to 100 job openings in each issue!
(I want to list my camp's opening)
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Camp jobs offer invaluable skill-building, leadership, training, and enrichment opportunities that can’t be found anywhere else! Regardless of your college major, camp experiences allow you to learn and develop skills that will enhance your job marketability.
The benefits go far beyond a paycheck, too. Business executives often note that experience as a camp counselor translates into excellent management and personnel skills. College credit can sometimes be obtained from working at camp. Check with your college advisor to see if you qualify.
Summer Camp Jobs
Year-round Camp Jobs / Career at Camp
ACA's Summer Jobs at Camp Ads Now Appear on Google for Jobs!
Since 2017 Google has hosted Google for Jobs to display open positions from various sources to job seekers in the results of a Google search. ACA’s Summer Jobs at Camp service meets the requirements to ensure jobs posted in our service are displayed on Google for Jobs.
Not every job posting service provides the link to Google for Jobs, which is why it is a good time to buy a Summer Jobs at Camp subscription so you can take advantage of the increased exposure. Accredited camps pay only $150 for a single job ad or $350 to post an UNLIMITED number of job ads through August 1 for each year.
View jobs currently listed on Summer Jobs at Camp | View those same jobs on Google for Jobs
Buy your subscription!
Contact Jennifer Burchard, 765-349-3500, with any questions. (Reminder: Year-round jobs are posted in our separate Year-round Jobs @ Camp.)