Middle Managers Certificate
Core Competency
Type of Course
Certificate CourseCost
See pricing details below.
15.00If you currently hold (or maybe hope to hold) a Middle Manager position in a youth program, the new knowledge you learn and the skills you develop in this CAQ can help you feel more confident and qualified as you function in this position or consider one of these jobs in the future.
This staff training certificate is specifically designed for people like you who are working as a middle manager in a camp or some other kind of youth setting like afterschool.
The term “middle manager” can be a broad job title that includes program directors, afterschool directors, directors of specialized program activities, and some of you may even be considered part of the support staff (i.e. site managers, health care managers, etc.). However, you all share the expectation that you often have supervisory expectations for other staff, administrative responsibilities, and are often instrumental in training and evaluation efforts undertaken by your program. You also have a “boss” to whom you answer and often are under the guidance of this person. Some of you may be full-time, year-round employees; others of you may be year-around part-time employees; and still others of you may be seasonal employees.
This course is an intensive 15 hour course built around the ACA thirteen core competencies. It has been designed to provide you with some of the most typical skills and activities encountered by middle managers.
Learner Outcomes
At the end of the course, you will have completed learning experiences that enhance skill and knowledge development common to middle managers so you can:
- Be a better supervisor to your staff
- Better meet your supervisor’s expectations of your job performance
- Enhance your own professional development.
MM-Certificate Length: 15 hours
MM-Certificate Credits: 15.0 CECs
To learn more information about this course please read:
Quantity | Member Cost | Nonmember Cost |
1 to 5* | $80/person | $160/person |
6 to 10*** | $60/person | $120/person |
11 to 999*** | $40/person | $90/person |
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Purchase the Online Middle Manager Certificate Course - for Yourself
***Ordering more than 1 or for someone else? Please contact us.