Showing: 1-10 of 139 results

Building Healthy Relationships with Parents: What Every Camp Needs to Know

Today’s parents are supportive and dedicated to their children, but they are also the most anxious and controlling parents in American history. Successful camps have strategies in place for...

Three Ways to Create Loyal, Lifelong Customers by Improving Communication with Parents

Camp programs often excel at providing campers with positive, meaningful, and growth-filled camp experiences, but some fall short when it comes to providing parents with an equally positive...

The Celebration of Difference in Camp!

Overview: Unlock the transformative power of diversity within your camp! This engaging presentation delves into the benefits of celebrating differences among campers and staff,...

Accessibility Series

Overview: Implementing accessibility best practices allows us to improve the usability of our content including documents. Presentations, and websites for all users. Join us for...

ACA Press Room

If we may help you with a story, arrange an interview with an ACA spokesperson, or provide access to an article reprint, photo, or public service announcement, please contact Public Relations at pr@...

Gluten-Related Disorders: A Complex Spectrum

An exponential boom in gluten-based illnesses has generated health crises for individuals and created challenges for camp food service grasping at how to serve these individuals. Wheat, the most...

Discussing Identity, Equity, and Authenticity at Camp

Use these skills for developing more equitable communities where staff and campers feel included in spaces where they want to belong.

Milk Allergy: Three-Year-Old's Death Sparks Expanding Food Allergy Protection Laws

Bubbly and energetic three-year-old Elijah Silvera attended a New York City daycare center. He had a severe milk allergy, which his daycare employees were aware of and had documentation for. Despite...

Welcoming International Counselors Could Boost Campership in Marginalized and Immigrant Communities

When I attend ACA conferences (which I do as a US Department of State Designated J-1 Sponsor for the Summer Camp Counselor Exchange Visitor Program), I make a point to attend sessions that include...

Advancing Accessibility in Outdoor Recreation

Imagine a camping experience where individuals of all abilities can connect with the beauty of nature. The demand for facilities that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)...