Avoiding the Parent Trap: Working with Difficult ParentsMost camp parents are wonderful, but at every camp, there are a few who are some degree of difficult. From parents who demand special exceptions to parents who are wholly disengaged from their child'...
Back to the Basics: Creating a Cohesive Staff CommunityWhile this sounds so simple, why is it often so hard? Community building is what camp is all about. Yet, all of the ice-breakers and fun games in the world don’t guarantee that staff will...
ACA Membership Join & RenewalFind information about joining and renewing here.
Build Your Own Online Staff Training PackageWell-established and ever-growing, ACA’s virtual learning portfolio includes online courses, recorded webinars, and staff certificates of added qualifications (in-depth online...
Find a JobLooking for a career in summer camp? Let ACA help you find seasonal, summer and year-round camp jobs. Camp jobs offer invaluable skill-building, leadership, training, and enrichment opportunities...
ACA-Accredited Camp LogoYou may be eligible to use one of the logos of the American Camp Association. ACA logos are carefully protected by trademark laws – logos are not to be altered in any way, except for size...
Practicing and Teaching MindfulnessMindfulness is the practice of being fully "present," right here, right now. It's the opposite of mind-FULL-ness, or feeling constantly distracted. Camp offers the perfect setting to teach and...
Staffing, Compensation, and Benefits ReportEach year, the American Camp Association (ACA) surveys its members about specific areas of their camp operations and makes the results available so camps can benchmark their business practices.
Criminal Background Checks - Issues and Resources for CampsACA believes that camps should utilize multifaceted screening and hiring programs and support practices appropriate to the clientele, staffing, supervision, and program consideration of each camp.
Summer 2023 Trends and Issues: Spotlight on Anticipated Camper and Staff ChallengesThese are the findings from the 2023 Trends and Issues Pulse Survey taken this spring.