CampSafe® Child Sexual Abuse Prevention TrainingTraining your staff to the level of safety and professionalism that you and your camp families expect becomes a greater challenge each year. Your primary focus is safety and that includes the...
Inclusive Camp: Making Summer Camp a Joyful Place for EveryoneSummer camp is a sacred community which, as a rule, has always been willing to find common ground in respecting and accommodating individual values and needs. The values and needs of campers with...
Managing Staff in the New Era of Summer CampSurvivor, the long-running CBS reality show, has captivated audiences for 45 seasons — but like with so many other forms of entertainment, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the series to a halt for 17...
Trauma Informed Care at CampDESCRIPTION: In ACA’s 2017 Emerging Issues Report, the top issue facing camps is campers’ Mental, Emotional, and Social Health (Browne, Bialeschki & Wilson, 2017)....
Meet Staff Where They Are Not Where You Wish They Would BeUnanswered emails. Requests (demands) for time-off. Over-involved parents. What’s the matter with young people today? Most likely nothing! We have more in common with this cohort of staff than one...
Avoiding the Parent Trap: Working with Difficult ParentsMost camp parents are wonderful, but at every camp, there are a few who are some degree of difficult. From parents who demand special exceptions to parents who are wholly disengaged from their child'...
Back to the Basics: Creating a Cohesive Staff CommunityWhile this sounds so simple, why is it often so hard? Community building is what camp is all about. Yet, all of the ice-breakers and fun games in the world don’t guarantee that staff will...
Build Your Own Online Staff Training PackageWell-established and ever-growing, ACA’s virtual learning portfolio includes online courses, recorded webinars, and staff certificates of added qualifications (in-depth online...
Accessibility SeriesImplementing accessibility best practices allows us to improve the usability of our content including documents. Presentations, and websites for all users. Join us for a three-part series dedicated...
Words Matter: Communication StrategiesWhat we say, how we say it and what we look like when we say it all matter. Communication, or lack thereof, can undermine even the best leader. This session will look at how the brain...