Showing: 1-10 of 98 results

Eval 2020: Tricks and Trends for the Next Decade of Camp Evaluation

In the past ten years we’ve welcomed tremendous growth in how and why camp professionals use evaluation to support program planning, staff training, marketing, and funding efforts.  The year...

Measuring Outcomes 101: Easy Steps for Beginners

ACA’s Youth Outcomes Battery is a set of surveys designed specifically for camp professionals to use to measure camper outcomes. Join us in this webinar to learn about this easy and accessible tool...

The Celebration of Difference in Camp!

Overview: Unlock the transformative power of diversity within your camp! This engaging presentation delves into the benefits of celebrating differences among campers and staff,...

Accessibility Series

Overview: Implementing accessibility best practices allows us to improve the usability of our content including documents. Presentations, and websites for all users. Join us for...

Faith-based Camps Professionals

Nurturing spiritual growth through the camp and retreat experience.

Gluten-Related Disorders: A Complex Spectrum

An exponential boom in gluten-based illnesses has generated health crises for individuals and created challenges for camp food service grasping at how to serve these individuals. Wheat, the most...

Milk Allergy: Three-Year-Old's Death Sparks Expanding Food Allergy Protection Laws

Bubbly and energetic three-year-old Elijah Silvera attended a New York City daycare center. He had a severe milk allergy, which his daycare employees were aware of and had documentation for. Despite...

Advancing Accessibility in Outdoor Recreation

Imagine a camping experience where individuals of all abilities can connect with the beauty of nature. The demand for facilities that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)...

Peanut Allergy: Frightening Facts, Emerging Treatments, Ultimate Avoidance

Peanut allergy has historically been the most fatal food allergy, comprising 50 to 62 percent of all food allergy deaths annually (Food Allergies Atlanta, 2022). It is also the leading food allergy...

Life and Autism: How Camps Can Support Campers and Staff on the Autism Spectrum

Anton, Maya, and James march into camp on opening day with nerves and excitement, just like any other camper or staff. They have brought the items on the camp list, their eyes are wide with...