View an archive of editorial indexes.

Featured Articles

Brighter Futures through Innovative Programming: The 2022 Eleanor Eells Award Winners
Kaley Amonett, July/August

A Camp Counselor's Not-So-Secret Mission
Kim Aycock, MST, May/June

Commitment: How Do We Earn It — And How Do We Keep It?
Kim Aycock, MST, and Jolly Corley, MS, March/April

How to Practice Holistic Inclusion and Examine Your Implicit Bias
Franki Bagdade, M Ed, MSW, May/June

Moving from Awareness to Acceptance
Franki Bagdade, M Ed, MSW, September/October

Teach Like a Teacher, Train Like a Ted
John Beitner and Stephanie “Ruby” Compton, March/April

Giving Voice to Inclusive Leadership Competencies
An Interview with Jennifer Brown, September/October

Games and Activities That Strengthen Positive Mental Health
Jim Cain, PhD, January/February

Be a Ted
Stephanie “Ruby” Compton and John Beitner, May/June

Staff Recruitment: Assessing Your Needs and Making Connections
Kelly Coulthard and Julie Knapp, PhD, November/December

Rise of the Stakeholder
Greg Cronin, MPA, CCD, CPRP, March/April

What Kind of Leader Do You Want to Be?
Greg Cronin, MPA, CCD, CPRP, May/June

A Course in Courage
An Interview with Candace Doby, January/February

Let’s Have a Hard Conversation
Candace Doby, May/June

Introverts at Camp: What You Should Know
Marcia Ellett, MPW, September/October

To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Good for Your Health
Marcia Ellett, MPW, May/June

MESH Mechanics That Spur Personal Development in Campers and Staff
Tracey Gaslin, PhD, CPNP, FNP-BC, CRNI RN-BC, and John Hamilton, MA, July/August

Pace Yourself: Self-Care Tips for a Healthy Summer
Jane Glazer, MSN, MA, CPNP, FNP-BC, May/June

Advocate, Don’t Redecorate! How to Make Your Summer Camp Work a Success
Emily Golinsky, MS, May/June

Considerations for Implementing Mental Health and Behavioral Supports at Camp
Emily Golinsky, MS, November/December

Learning to Live with Fire: How Camps Can Adapt to the New Normal
Sami Grover, January/February

From First Contact to End of Contract
Debra Jordan, ReD, and Kim Aycock, MST, January/February

Mission, Vision, Values: Speaking to You, Speaking through You
Debra Jordan, ReD, and Kim Aycock, MST, July/August

Instilling a Sense of Belonging from Day One
Anthony Kane, EdD, September/October

Culture Change Is (Not) Easy
Andy Kimmelman, January/February

How Do You Spur Culture Change at Camp?
Andy Kimmelman, May/June

Continuous Quality Improvement
Steph Love, MS, November/December

All Aboard!
Lauren McMillin, July/August

Five Tips for Dealing with Disgruntled Camp Parents
Audrey Monke, MA, March/April

Discussing Identity, Equity, and Authenticity at Camp
Lance W. Ozier, EdD, and Chanika R. Perry, EdD, September/October

Doing Camp: What Today’s Kids Need from the Experience
An Interview with Denise Pope, January/February

Preparing for Pushback When Instituting LGBTQ+ Inclusive Policies
Chris Rehs-Dupin, September/October

Data Analytic Strategies to Improve Your Camp’s Business Practices: The PEPPER Model
Joe Slowinski, M Ed, March/April

Creating Inclusion at Camp
Nyaunu Stevens, January/February

Finding the Next Radar: Investing in the Next Generation of Operations Camp Pros
Abigail Stuart and Ari Polsky, March/April

Green Camp Needs Assessment
Danny Sudman, November/December

Life and Autism: How Camps Can Support Campers and Staff on the Autism Spectrum
Kathleen “Mo” Taylor, OTR/L, January/February

Behavior Management on Steroids: How to Turbocharge Reinforcements and Consequences to Change Kids’ Behavior
Christopher Thurber, PhD, May/June

Informed Staffing through "Form Follows Function" Program Assessment
Diane Tyrrell, MA Ed, CCD, November/December

How to Make the World a Better Place: Taking Advantage of the Opportunities at Summer Camp
Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed, July/August

Lean In: A User’s Guide to Relational Camping
Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed, May/June

Lost Boys: Finding Their Way at Summer Camp
Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed, November/December

More Than a Village: Why Summer Camps Are Key to Raising Kids Right
Stephen Gray Wallace, MS Ed, January/February


Building Principles

Designing Environmentally Friendly, Energy-Efficient Modular Camp Cabins
Frank Golley, September/October

Camp Includes Me

The Harm of Hawaiian and Luau-Themed Camp Events
Gisele Bisch, September/October

Building Connection through a Box: Joy, Delivered
Ann Gillard, PhD; Kendra Perkins; Megan Owens, PhD; and Sterling Nell Jeija, November/December

Moving Forward Together

Funding for Camp for Underserved Children and Youth
Tom Rosenberg, January/February

How Can Camp Be Beneficial for Young People in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tom Rosenberg, March/April

Moving Forward Together — May 2022
Tom Rosenberg, May/June

The Camp Opportunity Now and in the Future
Tom Rosenberg, July/August

Moving Forward Together — Because of You!
Tom Rosenberg, September/October

Thank You
Tom Rosenberg, November/December

A Place to Share

On Hammers and Nails, Surviving and Thriving
John Beitner, January/February

Hitting the High Notes at Camp Courageous
Amy Kurth, March/April

Facilitating Summer
Mikhail Troyan, May/June

Can We Do Even Better When It Comes to Mental Health?
Franki Bagdade, M Ed, MSW, July/August

Summer of the Toad
Mark DiStefano, September/October

Looking Back on Forward Thinking
Bob Brower, November/December

Recipe for Success

Supply Chain Disruptions: Caused and Management Strategies
Kimberly Whiteside Truitt, January/February

Peanut Allergy: Frightening Facts, Emerging Treatments, Ultimate Avoidance
Kimberly Whiteside Truitt, May/June

Tree Nuts: Beloved Holiday Baking Ingredients, Formidable Food Allergens
Kimberly Whiteside Truitt, November/December


What If I Don’t Love My Job?
Jaclyn Folak, MS, March/April


Considering Access to Summer Camp, Part III: Understanding Preference for Summer Camp Programs
Jessie Dickerson, MS, and Taylor Michelle Wycoff, March/April

Considering Access to Summer Camp, Part IV: Helping Families Overcome Barriers to Participation
Jessie Dickerson, MS, and Taylor Michelle Wycoff, July/August

Risk Management

Impetigo: What Does It Look Like, and What Should You Do?
Jane Glazer, MSN, MA, CPNP, FNP-BC, March/April

Professional Development and Self-Care: A Dynamic Duo
Jane Glazer, MSN, MA, CPNP, FNP-BC, July/August

Meeting Campers Where They Are
Jane Glazer, MSN, MA, CPNP, FNP-BC, September/October

Trail Mixed

Camp Includes Me: An Intersectional Approach to Equity at Camp
Makela Elvy, M Ed, January/February

I Think I Can”: Combating Imposter Syndrome at Camp
Makela Elvy, M Ed, May/June

Easy as One, Two, Three: Using Data to Advance Equity at Your Camp
Briana Mitchell, July/August